
В Yaranga dress, як і в Залах пам’яті в київському Парку пам'яті, поєдналися конусна форма та строгі лінії. Для сукні обрано щільну еко-шкіру та додано вертикальні і горизонтальні шви, які, як ребра жорскості, допомагають створити потрібну геометричну форму

Натхненням для створення Vitryak necklace стала форма традиційного українського дерев'яного вітряка

The inspiration for creating the Mazanka shirt was a Ukrainian mazanka (from the Ukrainian word “mazaty” – to cover with a layer of clay) – a traditional village house. The decor of the shirt represents reed, which was the basis for applying clay

The inspiration for creating the Hlechyk set was traditional Ukrainian jugs

Tyn necklace reconsiders traditional Ukrainian wicker fences (in Ukrainian – “tyn”)

The inspiration for the creation of Dranka bag was the traditional method of covering roofs with wooden boards – dranka

Натхненням для створення Vitryak bag стала форма традиційного українського дерев'яного вітряка

The inspiration for creating the Strikha bag was the straw or reed roof (in Ukrainian – “strikha”), which is traditional for Ukrainian houses. It is reproduced through a pyramidal shape and leather fringe covering

Shalivka dress, through its vertical lines, reconsiders the traditional technique of covering facades with wooden boards (Shalivka – in Ukrainian)

Lemish sweater through a scale pattern reconsiders the traditional Ukrainian technique of covering the roof with wooden fancy-cut shingles (Lemish – in Ukrainian)